• Loving God with all your mind

Elizabeth George

More than 10,000 thoughts pass through our minds each day.
Wouldn't you like every one of those thoughts to be pleasing to God?
Yet that can be a challenge with the pressures of daily living.
When we find our thoughts overwhelmed by fear, worry, and depression,
it's difficult to keep our minds focused on truth and joy!
From her own past struggles, Elizabeth George shows how you can know 
the inner joy that comes from focusing your mind completely on what is true,
pure, lovely, and good.  She shares six simple yet powerful Bible truths that
God uses to transform a woman's life.. truths that will permanently change 
the way you think, feel, and live.
A helpful study guide with practical questions for application is included
for personal or group use.


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Loving God with all your mind

  • ผู้ผลิต: CRU Mass Media
  • รหัสสินค้า: 9789810476892
  • สถานะสต๊อก: 3
  • 200.00บาท

  • ยังไม่รวมภาษี: 200.00บาท