• Confessions of a Caffeinated Christian

John Fischer

Caffeinated faith is the strength you need to admit your life is not perfect and understand that 
Jesus wants you anyway.  Life is messy, even for "good people." but it's sometimes tough to face
that fact; it seems easier, holier, to pretend that everything is okay.  But life's problems and pain
require genuine, full-strength faith: deep and powerful.
John Fischer stirs readers to embrace full-strength Christianity and enjoy a deeper, more dynamic
faith in Jesus.  Caffeinated Christians are people who have been broken and aren't afraid to show it.
Sometimes the facade of the perfect, decaf life is more appealing, but if you'r looking for a faith
that's real, a faith that gets your blood pumping and gives your the kick you need to wake up
every day, caffeinated Christianity is  the answer.


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Confessions of a Caffeinated Christian

  • ผู้ผลิต: CRU Mass Media
  • รหัสสินค้า: 9780842384346
  • สถานะสต๊อก: 5
  • 60.00บาท

  • ยังไม่รวมภาษี: 60.00บาท