• Listening to God

Kara Powell

The Bible is full of exciting stories about God's people who listened to His voice and obeyed.  
But the young people in your group might wonder how they can hear from God today since 
He doesn't have an email account or a smartphone.  Through Listening to God, the latest 
study in the Uncommon series, you can show your students how God speaks and how they can 
learn to hear His voice.  They will also discover how to grow in faith and be prepared to face 
challenging or confusing situations by listening to and obeying Go0d's guidance.
Twelve sessions of kid-friendly activities and exercises will introduce junior-highers
to the benefits of seeking God's voice and following Him in every situation that they face.
Plus, download reproducible student handouts and additional options for every session-find out how inside.


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Listening to God

  • ผู้ผลิต: CRU Mass Media
  • รหัสสินค้า: 9780830761364
  • สถานะสต๊อก: 1
  • 100.00บาท

  • ยังไม่รวมภาษี: 100.00บาท