• Sharpening your Leading Edge

Jack Hayford

Advance in the Leadership Role God has for you!
A leader seeking personal growth more than just career success is not easy to find.  This is a message for leaders 
on leadership.  Jack Hayford will help you move beyond the best methods on an even better mindset.  "Mindset"
always affects doing, thinking and being, which will move you forward.  Why? Because it soon aligns the leader's
heart and head to be in sync with the Creator's way and will.  And no leader can become more creative than that.


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Sharpening your Leading Edge

  • ผู้ผลิต: CRU Mass Media
  • รหัสสินค้า: 9789810547578
  • สถานะสต๊อก: 7
  • 70.00บาท

  • ยังไม่รวมภาษี: 70.00บาท