• Families on the move

Marion Knell

More and more families raise their children abroad.  Business people, military personnel,
diplomats, missionaries: we live in a highly mobile world.
Such children grow up with divided loyalties: an allegiance to their parents' culture,
but with friends and outlook far closer to the host culture.  They are TCKs-Third Culture kids.
You know you are TCK when you want to throw a party and your friends live on three
different continents...
The author's sane, practical approach will prove invaluable for:
-Preparing yourself and your children
-Building bridges with home
-Living in non-Western cultures
-Making the right educational choices


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Families on the move

  • ผู้ผลิต: CRU Mass Media
  • รหัสสินค้า: 9780825460180
  • สถานะสต๊อก: 1
  • 50.00บาท

  • ยังไม่รวมภาษี: 50.00บาท